- /AToth/NSF publication access/2019/02 Newly Entered Pubs February 2019/2018 cited/
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2/28/2019 2:26 PM 2802346 2018_A trapped field of 17.7 T in a stack.pdf
2/28/2019 2:30 PM 20019977 2018_Elemental Systematics in MORB.pdf
2/28/2019 2:25 PM 1224236 2018_Enhanced Iron Solubility at Low pH in Global Aerosols.pdf
2/28/2019 2:30 PM 10219861 2018_MEMRI reveals altered activity in brain regions.pdf
2/28/2019 2:27 PM 1231791 2018_Multiomics approach reveals metabolic changes.pdf
2/28/2019 2:23 PM 21627719 2018_Perturbations of Native Membrane Protein Structure.pdf
2/28/2019 2:24 PM 788463 2018_Simple prebiotic synthesis of high diversity.pdf