- /AToth/NSF publication access/2019/04 Newly Entered Pubs April 2019/2019 cited/
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4/29/2019 3:34 PM 613982 2019_Accurate determination of the Fermi surface.pdf
4/29/2019 3:37 PM 2635854 2019_Fermi surface of the flat-band intermetallics.pdf
4/29/2019 3:21 PM 1575980 2019_High Strength Cu-Ta-W Composite.pdf
4/29/2019 3:30 PM 4072232 2019_High-Frequency and -Field EPR.pdf
4/29/2019 3:32 PM 2361268 2019_Implications of the strain irreversibility cliff.pdf
4/29/2019 3:32 PM 2745717 2019_Luminescent Emission of Excited Rydberg Excitons.pdf
4/29/2019 3:33 PM 4097559 2019_Molecular-Level Characterization.pdf
4/29/2019 3:23 PM 2004258 2019_Prediction of the Jc(B) Behavior of Bi-2212 Wires at High Field.pdf
4/29/2019 3:33 PM 953022 2019_Rapid Self-Assembly of Metal.pdf
4/29/2019 3:35 PM 834924 2019_Spin-optoelectronic devices.pdf