- /AToth/NSF publication access/2019/05 Newly Entered Pubs May 2019/2019 cited/

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5/31/2019 1:24 PM 850019 2019_Age-dependent changes in metabolite profile.pdf
5/31/2019 1:16 PM 1576095 2019_Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization Fourier Transform.pdf
5/31/2019 1:28 PM 1168587 2019_Bulk Fermi surface .pdf
5/31/2019 1:23 PM 1246764 2019_Combining HFEPR and NMR Spectroscopies.pdf
5/31/2019 1:28 PM 5529108 2019_Dinuclear manganese.pdf
5/10/2019 1:45 PM 949560 2019_Direct dynamic nuclear polarization.pdf
5/31/2019 1:21 PM 2446027 2019_Finding a soft spot for vanadium a P-bound OCP ligand.pdf
5/31/2019 1:27 PM 450426 2019_GirlsÂ’ STEM Identity Growth in Co-Educational.pdf
5/31/2019 1:35 PM 1713395 2019_High-field magnetoresistance of graphite revised.pdf
5/31/2019 1:35 PM 883122 2019_Longitudinal evaluation of tumor microenvironment.pdf
5/31/2019 1:23 PM 7130775 2019_Magnetoelastics of High Field Phenomena in Antiferromagnets.pdf
5/31/2019 1:36 PM 5258857 2019_Metabolomic profiles.pdf
5/31/2019 1:26 PM 8109132 2019_Nanostructure of Gasification Charcoal.pdf
5/31/2019 1:29 PM 542367 2019_Quantum Oscillations.pdf
5/31/2019 1:20 PM 1802988 2019_Small Cage Uranofullerenes 27 Years after Their First Observation.pdf
5/31/2019 1:19 PM 4426027 2019_Superconductivity at 250 K in lanthanum hydride under high pressures.pdf
5/31/2019 1:17 PM 1291515 2019_Time and Frequency Domain Response.pdf