- /AToth/NSF publication access/2021/10 Newly Entered Pub October 2021/2021 cited/
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11/5/2021 1:16 PM 1871601 2021_A magnetic levitation.pdf
11/5/2021 1:17 PM 3128763 2021_Anthropogenic Landcover.pdf
11/5/2021 1:18 PM 7555652 2021_Curvature of the Retroviral.pdf
11/5/2021 1:18 PM 4073001 2021_Discovery of Oxygenated.pdf
11/5/2021 1:21 PM 8099927 2021_Distribution of Aluminum Species.pdf
11/5/2021 1:22 PM 934123 2021_Dresselhaus spin-orbit.pdf
11/5/2021 1:22 PM 1778033 2021_Dual Active Sites.pdf
11/5/2021 1:25 PM 1812596 2021_Evidence of two-dimensional.pdf
11/5/2021 1:27 PM 2110846 2021_Exciting Opportunities.pdf
11/5/2021 1:27 PM 3357969 2021_Exciton-polaron Rydberg.pdf
11/5/2021 1:28 PM 1810313 2021_Expanding manganese.pdf
11/5/2021 1:28 PM 2140643 2021_Expansion of the high.pdf
11/5/2021 1:29 PM 2178755 2021_Functional heart recovery.pdf
11/5/2021 1:29 PM 963033 2021_Isotropic solid-state.pdf
11/5/2021 1:21 PM 14203231 2021_Lessons Learned from a Decade.pdf
11/5/2021 1:30 PM 4240053 2021_Luminescent Quantum.pdf
11/5/2021 1:30 PM 10066940 2021_Magnetic field-induced.pdf
11/5/2021 1:30 PM 4944031 2021_Measuring NQO1.pdf
11/5/2021 1:31 PM 2720290 2021_Non-traditional thermal.pdf
11/5/2021 1:32 PM 2304332 2021_Observation of nearly identical.pdf
11/5/2021 1:32 PM 1280418 2021_On the use of single-frequency.pdf
11/5/2021 1:33 PM 1207612 2021_Online Coupling of Liquid.pdf
11/5/2021 1:33 PM 1975285 2021_Origin of the enhanced.pdf
11/5/2021 1:33 PM 3820388 2021_Phase diagram.pdf
11/5/2021 1:34 PM 1513894 2021_Post-contractile blood.pdf
11/5/2021 1:34 PM 3578754 2021_Screening current rotation.pdf
11/5/2021 1:34 PM 2124786 2021_Selective 1H-14N Distance.pdf
11/5/2021 1:35 PM 7376563 2021_Stray-Capacitance As a Simple Tool.pdf
11/5/2021 1:35 PM 6649122 2021_Structural Dependence.pdf
11/5/2021 1:35 PM 2942437 2021_Structure and Connectivity.pdf
11/5/2021 1:36 PM 7158246 2021_Thermal Phase Control.pdf
11/5/2021 1:36 PM 1366962 2021_Triple-pulse excitation.pdf
11/5/2021 1:36 PM 1437319 2021_Two- and Three-Dimensional.pdf
11/5/2021 1:37 PM 1349231 2021_Unknown Territory.pdf
11/5/2021 1:37 PM 1107472 2021_Unusually thick.pdf
11/5/2021 1:37 PM 2900076 2021_Vacuum Balloon.pdf
12/6/2021 1:02 PM 28731 2110 Pubs October final.xlsx