- /AToth/NSF publication access/2023/01 Newly Entered Pubs January 2023/2023 cited/
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2/6/2023 11:38 AM 1498347 2023_17O solid state NMR.pdf
2/6/2023 11:38 AM 3233265 2023_ac susceptibility studies.pdf
2/6/2023 11:38 AM 1702464 2023_An analytical treatment of electron spectral saturation.pdf
2/6/2023 11:38 AM 4846359 2023_Analysis of Isotopically Depleted Proteins.pdf
2/6/2023 11:38 AM 2082154 2023_Discovery of the Nicotinic Receptor Toxin.pdf
2/6/2023 11:38 AM 2356904 2023_Hydrologic and Landscape Controls.pdf
2/6/2023 11:38 AM 1698142 2023_Magnetic anisotropy and structural flexibility.pdf
2/6/2023 11:38 AM 1242018 2023_Magnetically aligned nanodiscs enable direct measurement.pdf
2/6/2023 11:38 AM 2265238 2023_Topological Lifshitz transition.pdf
2/6/2023 11:38 AM 3423199 2023_Transport signatures of fragile glass dynamics.pdf