- /AToth/NSF publication access/2024/01 Newly Entered Pubs January 2024/2024 cited/
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1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2430019 2024_An Unusual Ionic Cocrystal.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 1598175 2024_AsymPol-TEKs as efficient polarizing agents.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2930272 2024_Controls of Mineral Solubility.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2859357 2024_Quasi-2D Fermi surface.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 3055082 2024_Resilienceisnotenough.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2177266 2024_Structure and properties.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 9939138 2024_Writing and Detecting Topological Charges.pdf