- /AToth/NSF publication access/2024/12 Newly Entered Pubs December 2024/2024 not cited/
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2/6/2025 10:36 AM 2017200 2024_A Biotinylated Glycosylphosphatidylinositol.pdf
2/6/2025 10:36 AM 4034249 2024_Bifunctional glycosphingolipid (GSL) probes.pdf
2/6/2025 10:36 AM 2945261 2024_Cyclic Polymers from Alkynes Scope and Degradation.pdf
2/6/2025 10:36 AM 3365788 2024_Diversification of Acrylamide Polymers.pdf
2/6/2025 10:36 AM 992733 2024_Hydride superconductivity is here to stay.pdf
2/6/2025 10:36 AM 2731092 2024_Role of the prefrontal cortical protease.pdf