- /AToth/NSF publication access/2020/02 Newly Entered Pubs February 2020/2019 cited/
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3/2/2020 1:03 PM 937635 2019_Constraining Dissolved Organic Matter Sources.pdf
3/2/2020 3:51 PM 690355 2019_Correlation between scale invariant normal state resistivity.pdf
3/2/2020 1:07 PM 814102 2019_Dynamics and Critical Currents.pdf
3/2/2020 4:21 PM 1170477 2019_Fundamental Drivers of Dissolved Organic Matter.pdf
3/2/2020 2:20 PM 2732643 2019_Geochemical variability along the northern East Pacific Rise.pdf
3/2/2020 3:52 PM 2442965 2019_Guest Inclusion Modulates Concentration.pdf
3/2/2020 12:36 PM 2297062 2019_In vitro 0N4R tau fibrils contain.pdf
3/2/2020 12:23 PM 1257902 2019_Intrinsic anisotropy versus effective pinning anisotropy.pdf
3/2/2020 12:52 PM 3525737 2019_Investigating particle size flux relationships.pdf
3/2/2020 3:50 PM 3053457 2019_Light-Switchable Exchange-Coupled Magnet.pdf
3/2/2020 1:06 PM 2094480 2019_Magnetic field tuned Fermi liquid in a Kondo insulator.pdf
3/2/2020 3:50 PM 1921166 2019_Mercury bioaccumulation in tilefish from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico.pdf
3/2/2020 1:04 PM 1178492 2019_Preparation of Fungal and Plant Materials.pdf
3/2/2020 12:22 PM 8562141 2019_Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy.pdf
3/2/2020 4:07 PM 1202896 2019_Sharp increase in the density of states.pdf
3/2/2020 3:55 PM 3190884 2019_Single crystal to single crystal guest exchange.pdf
3/2/2020 12:22 PM 1751418 2019_Spatial control of heavy fermion superconductivity.pdf
3/2/2020 12:35 PM 563434 2019_Strong magnetoelastic effect .pdf
3/2/2020 4:05 PM 622466 2019_Three dimensional character.pdf