- /AToth/NSF publication access/2021/01 Newly Entered Pubs January 2021/2020 cited/
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2/2/2021 12:56 PM 6128268 2020_Comparative Effects.pdf
2/2/2021 12:56 PM 3854097 2020_Compositional Trends for Total Vanadium Content.pdf
2/2/2021 12:56 PM 1726784 2020_Construction of Human Proteoform Families.pdf
2/2/2021 12:56 PM 4046886 2020_Crystallization of Long-Spaced Precision.pdf
2/2/2021 12:56 PM 2023337 2020_Dispersion-Corrected.pdf
2/4/2021 5:12 PM 3921555 2020_Effect of melt miscibility, polymorphism.pdf
2/2/2021 12:56 PM 1208090 2020_Employing Lewis Acidity.pdf
2/2/2021 12:56 PM 2085462 2020_Fermi surface studies.pdf
2/2/2021 12:57 PM 7297218 2020_Flux Synthesis.pdf
2/4/2021 5:12 PM 1750403 2020_Hard antinodal gap revealed.pdf
2/4/2021 5:13 PM 831868 2020_Incommensurate two-dimensional checkerboard.pdf
2/4/2021 5:13 PM 1747547 2020_Influence of hydrostatic pressure.pdf
2/2/2021 12:57 PM 2545577 2020_Intrinsic Bulk Quantum Oscillations.pdf
2/2/2021 12:57 PM 1754438 2020_Isolation and electronic structures.pdf
2/4/2021 5:14 PM 3440732 2020_Isothermal Step Thickening.pdf
2/2/2021 1:10 PM 1664185 2020_Metallic surface states.pdf
2/2/2021 1:11 PM 647298 2020_Modeling Unconventional Superconductivity.pdf
2/2/2021 1:13 PM 807965 2020_Nonclassical Longitudinal.pdf
2/2/2021 1:14 PM 1458012 2020_Origin of gaplike behaviors.pdf
2/2/2021 1:18 PM 1246598 2020_Pressure-induced suppression of ferromagnetism.pdf
2/2/2021 1:19 PM 2248096 2020_Quantum critical scaling.pdf
2/2/2021 1:22 PM 2327676 2020_Spin Dynamics in Mn.pdf
2/2/2021 1:24 PM 3142208 2020_Structural, spectroscopic insights.pdf
2/2/2021 1:25 PM 774774 2020_Synthesis of a d2 kagome.pdf
2/2/2021 1:26 PM 758761 2020_Thermal and magnetoelastic properties.pdf
2/2/2021 1:27 PM 2944998 2020_Tracking Elemental Composition.pdf
2/2/2021 1:28 PM 2284088 2020_Trigonal Bipyramidal V3+ Complex.pdf
2/2/2021 1:30 PM 3873081 2020_Unveiling the Structure.pdf
2/2/2021 1:31 PM 1303377 2021_Antiferromagnetic switching driven.pdf
2/2/2021 1:32 PM 3724781 2021_Broadband adiabatic inversion.pdf
2/2/2021 1:33 PM 1135414 2021_Bypassing the computational bottleneck.pdf
2/2/2021 1:34 PM 400129 2021_Carbonaceous chondrite.pdf
2/2/2021 1:36 PM 3348332 2021_Composition and Lability.pdf
2/2/2021 1:38 PM 2466888 2021_Effects of octahedral tilting.pdf
2/2/2021 1:40 PM 7879544 2021_Landau quantization.pdf
2/2/2021 1:42 PM 5332661 2021_Layer- and gate-tunable spin-orbit coupling.pdf
2/2/2021 1:44 PM 1806134 2021_Low-temperature dielectric anomaly.pdf
2/2/2021 1:45 PM 2276702 2021_NMR and MD Simulations.pdf
2/2/2021 1:47 PM 3691389 2021_Solid-state NMR.pdf