- /AToth/NSF publication access/2022/07 Newly Entered Pubs July 2022/2022 cited/

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8/1/2022 12:19 PM 1674120 2022_ Anomalous high-field magnetotransport.pdf
8/1/2022 12:19 PM 1886865 2022_ Hall effect.pdf
8/1/2022 12:13 PM 3533142 2022_A backing detector.pdf
8/1/2022 12:14 PM 2740944 2022_A Multifunctional Contrast.pdf
8/1/2022 12:17 PM 803390 2022_Advanced diffusion.pdf
8/1/2022 12:20 PM 2595516 2022_Characterization of Crude Oil.pdf
8/1/2022 12:22 PM 1540132 2022_Critical Current Measurement.pdf
8/1/2022 12:16 PM 5648656 2022_Deep Ocean Microbial.pdf
8/1/2022 12:17 PM 7905335 2022_Effects of muscle.pdf
8/1/2022 12:14 PM 5407162 2022_Electronic DC-SQUID Emulator.pdf
8/1/2022 12:21 PM 4642499 2022_Emulating Membrane Protein.pdf
8/1/2022 12:21 PM 3729191 2022_Engineering Highly Fluorescent.pdf
8/1/2022 12:19 PM 5912376 2022_How to Recognize.pdf
8/1/2022 12:12 PM 1181314 2022_Investigation of the monopole.pdf
8/1/2022 12:15 PM 1638315 2022_Light sources.pdf
8/1/2022 12:16 PM 1873685 2022_Magnetoquantum oscillations.pdf
8/1/2022 12:20 PM 2615701 2022_Mechanical and Thermal Properties.pdf
8/1/2022 12:13 PM 6880937 2022_Molecular Characterization.pdf
8/1/2022 12:15 PM 3567278 2022_On-Chip Detection.pdf
8/1/2022 12:18 PM 1088998 2022_Optical Detection.pdf
8/1/2022 12:16 PM 8612243 2022_Quantum interference.pdf
8/1/2022 12:14 PM 1047985 2022_REBCO Coils.pdf
8/1/2022 12:18 PM 8278005 2022_Synergy of Analytical.pdf
8/1/2022 12:22 PM 1476993 2022_Universal Anomalous Diffusion.pdf