- /AToth/NSF publication access/2022/08 Newly Entered Pubs August 2022/2022 Cited/
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9/6/2022 8:41 AM 5658477 2022_Addressing Thermal Behavior.pdf
9/6/2022 8:42 AM 4756481 2022_Advanced spectroscopic and computational studies.pdf
9/6/2022 8:40 AM 5101408 2022_Anisotropy of the T.pdf
9/6/2022 8:41 AM 802987 2022_Boiling and cavitation.pdf
9/6/2022 8:38 AM 2876015 2022_High frequency EPR studies.pdf
9/6/2022 8:41 AM 1539484 2022_Impact of Beaver Ponds.pdf
9/6/2022 8:37 AM 3435087 2022_Improved Dynamic Range, Resolving Power.pdf
9/6/2022 8:39 AM 250061 2022_Kolmogorov complexity.pdf
9/6/2022 8:42 AM 409494 2022_Multicritical point and unified description.pdf
9/6/2022 8:40 AM 638603 2022_Multiple Magnetorotons.pdf
9/6/2022 8:42 AM 2132160 2022_Optimizing vortex pinning.pdf
9/6/2022 8:39 AM 2910873 2022_Pulsed Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.pdf
9/6/2022 8:39 AM 1913990 2022_Quasi-two-dimensional Fermi surface.pdf
9/6/2022 8:39 AM 3455057 2022_Rapid assessment.pdf
9/6/2022 8:43 AM 1206418 2022_Six-Body and Eight-Body Exciton States.pdf
9/6/2022 8:38 AM 5652135 2022_Towards understanding the magnetic properties.pdf