- /AToth/NSF publication access/2024/01 Newly Entered Pubs January 2024/2023 cited/

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1/31/2024 3:08 PM 1187353 2023_Brain predicted age difference estimated.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2005222 2023_Brain-predicted age difference mediates.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 1168264 2023_Charge-clustering induced fast ion conduction.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2994656 2023_Chemical design of electronic and magnetic energy.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2385779 2023_Chirality selective magnon-phonon hybridization.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2956794 2023_Configurational and Dynamical Heterogeneity.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2392408 2023_Dirac-fermion-assisted interfacial superconductivity.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 4544432 2023_Doping a Winger-Mott insulator.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 7161255 2023_Energy gap of topological surface states.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2786805 2023_FeSi, a d-electron topological Kondo.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 4148064 2023_Field-induced chiral transitions.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 1398120 2023_g factor of topological interface states.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 886578 2023_Gapless spinons.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 5089808 2023_Hole doping in compositionally complex.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2067410 2023_Large anomalous Hall effect.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 711979 2023_Ligand field design.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 1908421 2023_Magnetic breakdown.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 969743 2023_Microwave-free-driven dynamic.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 1360853 2023_Quantum-limit phenomena.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 5727492 2023_Radio frequency electrical resistance.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 5896929 2023_Simultaneous measurement.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 1288625 2023_Socioeconomic Status.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 4174811 2023_Spatially anisotropic.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2015139 2023_Structure and bonding.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2340058 2023_Task-dependent functional connectivity.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 12556942 2023_Three-dimensional flat bands.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 2792167 2023_Transforming Li3PS4 Via Halide Incorporation.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 3847652 2023_Ultra-High-Field.pdf
1/31/2024 3:08 PM 3750961 2023_Universal Scaling.pdf