- /AToth/NSF publication access/2024/04 Newly Entered Pubs April 2024/2024 cited/
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5/8/2024 1:56 PM 1117551 2024-Magnetic field-temperature phase diagram.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 24422755 2024_A hybrid topological quantum state.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 1981785 2024_Concentration and Compositional Controls.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 2220929 2024_Control of the geometry and anisotropy.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 19084872 2024_Deciphering linkages.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 2867863 2024_Divalent Titanium.pdf
5/8/2024 1:55 PM 8881655 2024_Evaluations of Weathering.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 1907047 2024_Identification.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 3794285 2024_Local Structure in Disordered Melilite.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 1858457 2024_Magnetic properties and spin dynamics.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 1938300 2024_On-surface magnetocaloric effect.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 1757216 2024_Orphan high field superconductivity.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 853787 2024_Pairing and pair breaking.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 1867428 2024_Quantum critical phase.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 3163583 2024_Rational Design.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 1958307 2024_Revealing Fermi surface evolution.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 1333965 2024_Slow magnetic relaxation.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 2218441 2024_Spatial Heterogeneity.pdf
5/8/2024 1:56 PM 3220428 2024_Storm-driven Hydrological.pdf