- /AToth/NSF publication access/2024/05 Newly Entered Pubs May 2024/2024 cited/

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6/3/2024 1:21 PM 3923302 2024_Cation Distribution and Anion Transport.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 3263256 2024_Engineering Anomalously Large Electron Transport.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 4497672 2024_Engineering clock transitions.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 8881661 2024_Evaluations of Weathering.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 6963936 2024_Giant Terahertz Birefringence.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 1082501 2024_Isolation and Characterization.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 4115436 2024_Linking Dissolved Organic Matter Composition.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 3794267 2024_Local Structure in Disordered Melilite.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 1904935 2024_Locally controlled arrested thermalization.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 1117551 2024_Magnetic field-temperature phase diagram.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 853787 2024_Pairing and pair breaking.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 5216272 2024_Paleoecology and paleobiogeography.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 2023031 2024_Pressurization_intercalation_doping_and elements.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 3163547 2024_Rational Design of Dinitroxide Polarizing Agents.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 4984416 2024_Spin-Phonon Coupling.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 1647295 2024_Substituent Effects on Exchange Anisotropy.pdf
6/3/2024 1:21 PM 1903726 2024_The reverse quantum limit and its implications.pdf