- /AToth/NSF publication access/2019/07 Newly Entered Pubs in July 2019/2019 cited/

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8/1/2019 5:07 PM 789213 2019_Characterization of Ketones Formed.pdf
8/1/2019 5:12 PM 2330890 2019_Combating selective ionization.pdf
8/1/2019 5:10 PM 2224349 2019_Effects of glassing matrix deuteration.pdf
8/1/2019 5:11 PM 1456692 2019_Effects of PDE5 inhibition on dystrophic muscle.pdf
8/1/2019 5:13 PM 1734846 2019_Electrical and magnetic properties.pdf
8/1/2019 5:17 PM 1066503 2019_Emergence of intrinsic superconductivity.pdf
8/1/2019 2:49 PM 2324530 2019_Enhanced Néel temperature.pdf
8/1/2019 5:14 PM 783062 2019_Enhanced thermoelectric performance.pdf
8/1/2019 5:11 PM 2610283 2019_Fermi surface, possible unconventional fermions.pdf
8/1/2019 5:16 PM 1998461 2019_Impaired butyrate absorption.pdf
8/1/2019 4:32 PM 1233620 2019_Instability of the f electron state.pdf
8/1/2019 5:17 PM 1242267 2019_Interface Enabled Ion Conduction.pdf
8/1/2019 2:43 PM 1985253 2019_Large Volume Liquid State Scalar.pdf
8/1/2019 5:15 PM 4137729 2019_Lithium Doping Stabilized High-Performance.pdf
8/1/2019 2:37 PM 1851578 2019_Magnetic resonance electrical property mapping.pdf
8/1/2019 4:30 PM 592978 2019_Nuclear Spin Relaxometry of 3He.pdf
8/1/2019 4:29 PM 1642100 2019_Oxytocin alters patterns of brain activity.pdf
8/1/2019 5:13 PM 1810476 2019_Rippled β Sheet Formation by an Amyloid β.pdf
8/1/2019 2:41 PM 1791283 2019_Solid state NMR.pdf
8/1/2019 5:04 PM 2690130 2019_Spin liquid phase and topological structural.pdf
8/1/2019 5:12 PM 2439486 2019_Stable predictable and training free operation.pdf
8/1/2019 5:09 PM 3705494 2019_Structure and Function in Antimicrobial Piscidins.pdf
8/1/2019 2:46 PM 2664185 2019_Studies of Functional Defects.pdf
8/1/2019 5:09 PM 30433061 2019_Tracking the Process of a Solvotherma.pdf
8/1/2019 5:12 PM 3854172 2019_Understanding the Low Voltage Hysteresis.pdf
8/1/2019 2:48 PM 1925048 2019_Unveiling early cortical and subcortical neuronal degeneration.pdf
8/1/2019 5:08 PM 695281 2019_Use of MRI metabolomic.pdf