- /AToth/NSF publication access/2019/11 Newly Entered Pubs November 2019/2019 cited/
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12/6/2019 12:16 PM 3582103 2019_Breaking the Backbone Central Arginine Residues.pdf
12/6/2019 12:35 PM 14224826 2019_Cancer in the crosshairs.pdf
12/6/2019 12:15 PM 630738 2019_Characterizing vortex tangle properties.pdf
12/6/2019 12:12 PM 1165497 2019_Consequences of magnetic ordering.pdf
12/6/2019 12:40 PM 1156099 2019_de Haas van Alphen effect .pdf
12/6/2019 10:53 AM 3463120 2019_Determination of the In Plane Exciton Radius.pdf
12/6/2019 12:37 PM 2457662 2019_Deuteron Solid State NMR Relaxation Measurements.pdf
12/6/2019 12:14 PM 4586836 2019_Direct Observation of Gate Tunable Dark Trions.pdf
12/6/2019 12:14 PM 1763961 2019_Dissolved organic matter composition.pdf
12/6/2019 12:17 PM 2851356 2019_Dual Emitting Dot in Bulk.pdf
12/6/2019 12:40 PM 2577447 2019_Effect of a high magnetic field.pdf
12/6/2019 12:38 PM 1759698 2019_Effect of Post Translational Modifications.pdf
12/6/2019 10:52 AM 5376760 2019_Evidence for the Band Edge Exciton of CuInS2.pdf
12/6/2019 11:36 AM 2282605 2019_Fe based superconducting thin films.pdf
1/15/2020 9:27 AM 1756633 2019_Growth pattern and oxygen isotopic systematics.pdf
12/6/2019 10:52 AM 1038499 2019_Heat and mass transfer.pdf
12/6/2019 12:39 PM 1742465 2019_High performance all-solid-state batteries.pdf
12/6/2019 10:53 AM 2716673 2019_Imaging respiratory muscle quality.pdf
12/6/2019 12:12 PM 3398308 2019_Increasing Organic Carbon Biolability.pdf
12/6/2019 12:34 PM 1796809 2019_Ion Ion Proton Transfer.pdf
12/6/2019 12:14 PM 2762652 2019_Large surface conductance.pdf
12/6/2019 12:15 PM 1049217 2019_Magnetic field mixing and splitting of bright.pdf
12/6/2019 12:18 PM 645253 2019_Mini volume collapse as evidence.pdf
12/6/2019 12:16 PM 1248274 2019_Multi-band mass enhancement towards.pdf
12/6/2019 11:36 AM 2578916 2019_Order disorder transition.pdf
12/6/2019 12:33 PM 2055975 2019_Paleoecology of Pleistocene mammals.pdf
12/6/2019 12:15 PM 993033 2019_Particle tracking velocimetry applied to thermal counterflow .pdf
12/6/2019 10:52 AM 1969743 2019_Quench spot detection.pdf
12/6/2019 11:29 AM 1968283 2019_Radical Dimerization in Plastic Organic Crystal Leads.pdf
12/6/2019 11:34 AM 1957300 2019_Revealing exciton masses and dielectric properties.pdf
12/6/2019 12:40 PM 3179585 2019_Room Temperature Magnetic Order.pdf
12/6/2019 11:32 AM 1667252 2019_Synthesis Magnetic and High-Field EPR.pdf
12/6/2019 12:34 PM 2185893 2019_Ta Ti and Hf effects on Nb3Sn high-field performance.pdf
12/6/2019 12:39 PM 1905436 2019_Topological analysis of the gp41 MPER.pdf