- /AToth/NSF publication access/2020/05 Newly Entered Pubs May 2020/2020 cited/

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6/5/2020 4:21 PM 838801 2020_A cryogenic-helium pipe.pdf
5/29/2020 3:23 PM 2087125 2020_Amplified detection of phosphocreatine.pdf
5/29/2020 12:06 PM 3213687 2020_An MRI-based switched gradient impulse response.pdf
5/29/2020 11:31 AM 1624283 2020_Biomolecular complex .pdf
5/29/2020 12:02 PM 1665490 2020_Contact resistivity.pdf
5/29/2020 3:18 PM 1708326 2020_Electronic and magnetic properties.pdf
5/29/2020 3:35 PM 3324138 2020_Electronic structure.pdf
5/29/2020 11:58 AM 555591 2020_Erratum.pdf
5/29/2020 11:25 AM 1837891 2020_Fermi surface.pdf
5/29/2020 3:21 PM 1425807 2020_Functional stability of water.pdf
5/29/2020 11:45 AM 2744927 2020_Impact of Zero-Valent Iron.pdf
5/29/2020 3:09 PM 4865813 2020_Inter-Kramers Transitions and Spin–Phonon Couplings.pdf
5/29/2020 11:30 AM 2528576 2020_Intestine-specific deletion.pdf
5/29/2020 11:57 AM 1745081 2020_Nondestructive Testing.pdf
5/29/2020 11:55 AM 1517723 2020_Ring currents modulate optoelectronic properties.pdf
5/29/2020 11:41 AM 1477626 2020_Roles of Co-solvents.pdf
5/29/2020 12:09 PM 2416784 2020_Stress-induced Domain Wall Motion.pdf
5/29/2020 3:34 PM 1504406 2020_Sunlight Induced Molecular Progression.pdf
5/29/2020 3:32 PM 1723149 2020_Superconducting Transformer.pdf
5/29/2020 11:44 AM 570138 2020_Superconductivity.pdf
5/29/2020 11:50 AM 3552621 2020_Three-dimensional Fermi surface.pdf