- /AToth/NSF publication access/2020/09 Newly Entered Pubs September 2020/2020 cited/
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10/8/2020 11:37 AM 2279888 2020_Bulk Assemblies.pdf
10/8/2020 11:37 AM 4822622 2020_Distance-Selected Topochemical.pdf
10/8/2020 11:37 AM 3013713 2020_Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 1775206 2020_Evolution of the Kondo.pdf
10/8/2020 11:37 AM 3081452 2020_Hydrocarbons.pdf
10/8/2020 11:37 AM 2657887 2020_Increased Single-Spectrum.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 6342493 2020_Interlaboratory Comparison.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 2457779 2020_Life at the Frozen Limit.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 2650250 2020_Magnetic Properties.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 2186097 2020_Magneto-Structural.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 1297190 2020_Mapping the oxygen structure.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 2176965 2020_Neural Working Memory.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 1054552 2020_Nickel.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 1703611 2020_Octaboraneyl Complexes.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 3747246 2020_PEPPI-MS.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 5710268 2020_Probing Aggregation.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 938880 2020_The Association.pdf
10/8/2020 11:38 AM 1485438 2020_Visualization of Live.pdf