- /AToth/NSF publication access/2021/02 Newly Entered Pubs February 2021/2020 cited/
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3/10/2021 4:22 PM 1812745 2020_17O solid-state NMR at ultrahigh magnetic.pdf
3/9/2021 1:35 PM 917846 2020_A study on the extent.pdf
3/9/2021 1:36 PM 907755 2020_A Summary of Effective Gender Equitable.pdf
3/10/2021 4:33 PM 3135460 2020_Access to Heteroleptic Fluorido.pdf
3/9/2021 2:32 PM 3636583 2020_Applying reticular synthesis.pdf
3/9/2021 1:33 PM 379048 2020_Construction of a series.pdf
3/9/2021 2:27 PM 2989214 2020_Contextual experience modifies.pdf
3/9/2021 2:41 PM 453987 2020_Critical temperature.pdf
3/10/2021 4:39 PM 3984740 2020_Design and Performance Estimation.pdf
3/10/2021 4:56 PM 1625088 2020_Field-stepped ultra-wideline NMR.pdf
3/9/2021 2:24 PM 4668612 2020_Influence of variable Ca-doping.pdf
3/9/2021 2:30 PM 2020993 2020_Odd- and even-denominator fractional.pdf
3/9/2021 2:37 PM 2173977 2020_Persistent compositions.pdf
3/9/2021 2:39 PM 171266 2020_Phase-space quantum mechanics.pdf
3/10/2021 5:15 PM 993433 2020_Safety, feasibility, and efficacy.pdf
3/9/2021 2:35 PM 2653738 2020_Stripe antiferromagnetism.pdf
3/9/2021 2:20 PM 1839496 2020_Superconductivity in undoped.pdf
3/9/2021 2:29 PM 849420 2020_The Effect of Reinforcement.pdf
3/9/2021 2:33 PM 980630 2020_The low temperature mechanical properties.pdf
3/10/2021 5:20 PM 3885643 2020_The Role of Recognition in Disciplinary.pdf
3/9/2021 2:42 PM 737288 2020_Thouless conductances.pdf
3/9/2021 2:43 PM 655501 2020_Topological Interface.pdf