- /AToth/NSF publication access/2022/10 Newly Entered Pubs October 2022/2022 Cited/

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11/2/2022 4:13 PM 7653964 2022_17O Labeling Reveals.pdf
11/2/2022 4:13 PM 2695782 2022_3D relaxation-assisted separation.pdf
11/2/2022 4:13 PM 1417142 2022_Control of electronic topology.pdf
11/2/2022 4:13 PM 3740382 2022_Dynamics of base pairs with low stability.pdf
11/2/2022 4:14 PM 8270921 2022_Evidence and Mechanisms of Selenate Reduction.pdf
11/2/2022 4:14 PM 5952391 2022_Fluoride Doping.pdf
11/2/2022 4:14 PM 6391961 2022_Kinetics of shear banding flow formation.pdf
11/2/2022 4:14 PM 4069829 2022_Maltene and Asphaltene Contributions.pdf
11/2/2022 4:14 PM 748574 2022_Mott domain walls.pdf
11/2/2022 4:14 PM 2194732 2022_Phase Behavior and Superprotonic Conductivity.pdf
11/2/2022 4:13 PM 5438439 2022_Production of human A2AAR in lipid nanodiscs.pdf
11/2/2022 4:13 PM 1789025 2022_Proton-detected solution-state NMR.pdf
11/2/2022 4:13 PM 866489 2022_Reconciling Monolayer and Bilayer.pdf
11/2/2022 4:13 PM 1883965 2022_Screening Current Induced Field Changes.pdf
11/2/2022 4:13 PM 3330963 2022_Stacking-Fault Enhanced Oxygen Redox.pdf
11/2/2022 4:13 PM 5501489 2022_Thickness- and Twist-Angle-Dependent Interlayer Excitons.pdf
11/2/2022 4:13 PM 3604984 2022_Velocity circulation intermittency.pdf