- /AToth/NSF publication access/2023/08 Newly Entered Pubs August 2023/2023 Cited/
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9/1/2023 9:01 AM 1066528 2023_ab-Plane Tilt Angles in REBCO Conductors.pdf
9/1/2023 9:01 AM 6644141 2023_An Automated Multi-Order Phase Correction Routine.pdf
9/1/2023 9:01 AM 1478677 2023_Anomalous Landau quantization.pdf
9/1/2023 9:01 AM 1148357 2023_Calorimetric measurement.pdf
9/1/2023 9:02 AM 12062370 2023_Continuous spin excitations.pdf
9/1/2023 9:02 AM 1546319 2023_Disorder-Enriched Magnetic Excitations.pdf
9/1/2023 9:02 AM 3002358 2023_Effects of charge doping.pdf
9/1/2023 9:02 AM 3859412 2023_Electronic and magnetic phase diagrams.pdf
9/1/2023 9:02 AM 1127396 2023_Electronic transport and thermoelectricity.pdf
9/1/2023 9:02 AM 3961649 2023_Enhanced Critical Field of Superconductivity.pdf
9/1/2023 9:02 AM 4070211 2023_Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter.pdf
9/1/2023 9:01 AM 7323601 2023_Multi K magnetic structure and large anomalous Hall effect.pdf
9/1/2023 9:01 AM 1244348 2023_Revealing a 3D Fermi Surface Pocket and Electron-Hole Tunneling.pdf
9/1/2023 9:01 AM 1898074 2023_Revealing temperature evolution.pdf
9/1/2023 9:01 AM 7958948 2023_Sudden adiabaticity entering field-induced state in UTe2.pdf
9/1/2023 9:01 AM 7097705 2023_Symmetry-enforced Fermi degeneracy in topological semimetal RhSb3.pdf
9/1/2023 9:01 AM 2347301 2023_Topological surface states.pdf
9/1/2023 9:01 AM 3034178 2023_Unusual magnetotransport.pdf