- /AToth/NSF publication access/2023/12 Newly Entered Pubs December 2023/2023 cited/
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1/5/2024 9:05 PM 1120267 2023_Anisotropic resistivity tensor.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 1003383 2023_Anisotropy Stabilized Magnetic Phases.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 2481882 2023_Backbone NMR resonance.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 5011881 2023_Broadband Cross-Polarization.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 570419 2023_Competing phases.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 2584228 2023_Dimeric Transmembrane Structure.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 1141048 2023_Electrostatic fate.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 3192825 2023_Exact solution.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 1370880 2023_Germanate anomaly and its temperature dependence.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 3829689 2023_Host Defense Peptide Piscidin.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 11794414 2023_Imaging inter-valley coherent order.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 10153920 2023_Liquid Droplet Aging and Seeded Fibril Formation.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 4095125 2023_Metabolomics-Guided Discovery.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 5023780 2023_Molecular-Level Characterization.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 3002641 2023_Multi-technique structural analysis.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 2929892 2023_Observing exocrine pancreas metabolism.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 3153185 2023_On-Pathway Oligomer.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 1187304 2023_Optical Control of Slow Topological Electrons.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 840449 2023_Probing correlated states with plasmons.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 798153 2023_Pushing the limit of MQMAS.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 2614240 2023_Revisiting Bloch electrons.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 651795 2023_Satellite-transition double cross-polarization.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 3854907 2023_Segmented Flow Strategies.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 7943714 2023_Short and long range.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 784138 2023_Structure and fragilit.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 3857143 2023_Touchscreen-Based Cognitive Training.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 1269692 2023_Two types of three-dimensional quantum Hall effects.pdf
1/5/2024 9:05 PM 3174932 2023_Ultrahigh Resolution Dissolved Organic Matter.pdf