- /AToth/NSF publication access/2024/02 Newly Entered Pubs February 2024/2024 cited/

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3/6/2024 7:47 PM 3615419 2024_An experimental study.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 774542 2024_Clinical importance of changes.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 11545631 2024_Combined Network.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 2050721 2024_Comparison Between Results of Quench Simulation and Tests.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 3166385 2024_Conductive surface states.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 2268041 2024_Effect of Notch Geometry.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 5628359 2024_Electronic Structure.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 2232567 2024_Emergence of composite.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 5032154 2024_Emergent strong zero mode.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 3580141 2024_Fire Impacts on the Soil Metabolome.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 1506401 2024_Interface-induced superconductivity.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 8308989 2024_Large Magnetic Anisotropy.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 4129713 2024_Magnetotransport.pdf
3/6/2024 7:48 PM 7788484 2024_Molecular-level architecture.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 4923601 2024_Nematic superconductivity.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 4628505 2024_Oscillations.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 1291179 2024_Peatlands Versus Permafrost.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 6192713 2024_Quantum transport response.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 1894586 2024_Role of Protons.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 4311351 2024_Spectroscopic and Theoretical Investigation.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 992315 2024_Sudden adiabaticity signals.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 6158703 2024_Tethering Three Radical Cascades.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 5715666 2024_The Effect of Field-Dependent.pdf
3/6/2024 7:47 PM 8977710 2024_Transition from orogenic-like to anorogenic magmatism.pdf
3/6/2024 7:53 PM 15238124 2024_Two-dimensional heavy fermions.pdf