- /AToth/NSF publication access/2019/06 Newly Entered Pubs in June 2019/2019 cited/
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7/1/2019 11:45 AM 4429009 2019_Approaching the Intrinsic Limit.pdf
7/1/2019 12:00 PM 6207006 2019_Composition variation of amorphous phase controlled coercivity.pdf
7/1/2019 11:51 AM 2983194 2019_Comprehensive magnetic phase diagrams.pdf
6/11/2019 10:04 AM 1629956 2019_Effects of interface area density.pdf
7/1/2019 11:58 AM 1483649 2019_Emergent bound states and impurity pairs in chemically doped Shastry-Sutherland system.pdf
7/1/2019 11:59 AM 972412 2019_Giant Anisotropic Magnetoresistance due to Purely Orbital Rearrangement.pdf
7/1/2019 11:46 AM 1577622 2019_High-Field EPR Spectroscopic Characterization.pdf
7/1/2019 11:45 AM 1718213 2019_Linear magnetoresistance.pdf
7/1/2019 11:57 AM 2511106 2019_Lower–Middle Ordovician carbon and oxygen isotope chemostratigraphy.pdf
7/1/2019 12:00 PM 983340 2019_Magnetoelastic coupling.pdf
7/1/2019 11:50 AM 5218615 2019_Middle–Upper Ordovician.pdf
7/1/2019 11:49 AM 923233 2019_New stable icosahedral quasicrystal.pdf
7/1/2019 11:42 AM 2306151 2019_Spin dynamics and field-induced magnetic.pdf
7/1/2019 12:01 PM 1485703 2019_Stress and strain analysis.pdf
7/1/2019 11:49 AM 251966 2019_Strong Coupling Phases of Partially Filled Twisted Bilayer Graphene Narrow Bands.pdf
7/1/2019 11:58 AM 1373207 2019_Superconducting phase diagram of H3S under high magnetic fields.pdf
7/1/2019 11:56 AM 1620291 2019_Tuning from failed superconductor to failed insulator with magnetic field.pdf
7/1/2019 11:47 AM 1952381 2019_Yielding and Strain-hardening of Reinforcement Materials.pdf
7/1/2019 11:48 AM 2027848 2019_Zn and P Alloying Effect in Sub-Rapidly.pdf