- /AToth/NSF publication access/2019/09 Newly Entered Pubs September 2019/2019 cited/
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10/7/2019 9:22 AM 4821736 2019_45.5-tesla direct-current magnetic field.pdf
10/1/2019 1:10 PM 924938 2019_Antiferroelectric Phase Transition.pdf
10/7/2019 9:20 AM 2259895 2019_Augmenting Fremyella diplosiphon Cellular Lipid Content.pdf
10/1/2019 1:17 PM 5530137 2019_Bilayer Lateral Heterostructures.pdf
10/1/2019 12:42 PM 461851 2019_Constructing high field magnets.pdf
10/1/2019 12:22 PM 2392805 2019_Determining the anisotropy.pdf
10/7/2019 9:29 AM 3146214 2019_Field induced double dome.pdf
10/7/2019 9:27 AM 1007365 2019_Growth of nematic susceptibility.pdf
10/1/2019 1:11 PM 1174755 2019_Hole pocket driven superconductivity.pdf
10/1/2019 12:25 PM 455632 2019_Linking the progressive expansion.pdf
10/1/2019 12:25 PM 2077766 2019_Magnetoelectric behavior via a spin state transition.pdf
10/1/2019 12:44 PM 5908782 2019_Microscopic origin of highly enhanced current.pdf
10/1/2019 1:14 PM 2820259 2019_Molecular Level Characterization.pdf
10/1/2019 1:13 PM 2713997 2019_MRI of Whole Rat Brain Perivascular Network.pdf
10/1/2019 12:30 PM 1170666 2019_Network-level connectivity.pdf
10/7/2019 9:19 AM 5976183 2019_Neurite orientation dispersion.pdf
10/1/2019 12:32 PM 1146965 2019_Nuclear_spin_pattern control.pdf
10/7/2019 9:17 AM 2702756 2019_Origin of the butterfly magnetoresistance.pdf
10/7/2019 9:30 AM 1326992 2019_Possible manifestations.pdf
10/7/2019 9:32 AM 756706 2019_Possible pressure induced topological quantum.pdf
10/7/2019 9:28 AM 2933129 2019_Quantum transport properties.pdf
10/7/2019 9:27 AM 3512268 2019_Raman and Electrical Transport Properties.pdf
10/1/2019 1:15 PM 840263 2019_Regulation of renal NaDC1.pdf
10/1/2019 1:09 PM 3884680 2019_Spin scattering and noncollinear spin.pdf
10/7/2019 9:23 AM 1293962 2019_Two Fold Reduction of Jc Anisotropy.pdf