- /AToth/NSF publication access/2020/08 Newly Entered Pubs August 2020/2020 cited/

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8/31/2020 11:46 AM 3139107 2020_A Practical Review.pdf
9/7/2020 6:50 PM 5547849 2020_Analyses of the plastic deformation.pdf
9/3/2020 11:40 AM 3579184 2020_Characterization of Microstructure.pdf
9/2/2020 11:55 AM 3548289 2020_Cryogenic goniometer for measurements.pdf
9/7/2020 6:51 PM 2388029 2020_Delineating the Continuum.pdf
8/31/2020 11:46 AM 1159921 2020_Differential Effect of Repeated.pdf
8/31/2020 11:48 AM 6568478 2020_Discordant nature.pdf
9/1/2020 12:32 PM 960730 2020_Effect of mass flow rate.pdf
9/2/2020 11:58 AM 2841166 2020_Electronic correlations.pdf
9/3/2020 11:39 AM 1244081 2020_Exciton valley depolarization.pdf
9/2/2020 11:56 AM 2068079 2020_Fast Acquisition of Proton-Detected.pdf
9/7/2020 7:09 PM 1225752 2020_Fermi surface topology.pdf
9/1/2020 12:27 PM 1626247 2020_High Resolution NMR.pdf
9/1/2020 12:23 PM 2903265 2020_High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry.pdf
9/1/2020 12:24 PM 1757679 2020_Homoleptic mono.pdf
9/2/2020 11:57 AM 3578925 2020_Inter-laboratory Study.pdf
9/2/2020 11:57 AM 3892760 2020_Magneto-plasmonic nanostars.pdf
9/3/2020 11:45 AM 2226051 2020_Mechanisms of Asphaltene Aggregation.pdf
9/1/2020 12:31 PM 1552643 2020_Melting of charge order.pdf
9/1/2020 12:19 PM 2308753 2020_Microscopic Insights.pdf
9/2/2020 11:55 AM 3920813 2020_Model Dimeric Manganese.pdf
9/1/2020 12:31 PM 17174491 2020_Non-monotonic pressure dependence.pdf
9/2/2020 11:56 AM 4730098 2020_Observation of Quantized Exciton Energies.pdf
9/2/2020 11:57 AM 1515038 2020_Probing Interactions.pdf
9/7/2020 7:10 PM 3934258 2020_Progress in scale-up.pdf
9/1/2020 12:32 PM 1995938 2020_Properties of Selected High-Strength Composite.pdf
9/1/2020 12:24 PM 2194166 2020_Protein conformational changes.pdf
9/2/2020 11:54 AM 1458123 2020_Quantum Hall effect of Weyl.pdf
8/31/2020 11:46 AM 2919418 2020_Recent Advances.pdf
8/31/2020 11:48 AM 6963489 2020_Role of Molecular Structure.pdf
9/1/2020 12:28 PM 2467490 2020_Sequence-Dependent Correlated Segments.pdf
9/2/2020 11:57 AM 1176877 2020_Statistical properties.pdf
8/31/2020 11:47 AM 1836688 2020_Stereoscopic detection.pdf
9/1/2020 12:27 PM 5703102 2020_Stress-Induced Domain Wall Motion.pdf
9/1/2020 12:32 PM 1709907 2020_Structural Characterization.pdf
8/31/2020 11:45 AM 3190415 2020_Structure and Catalytic Characterization.pdf
9/1/2020 12:23 PM 3249725 2020_Symmetry-Resolved.pdf
9/1/2020 12:21 PM 1724511 2020_The role of BTBD9 in the cerebellum.pdf
9/2/2020 11:57 AM 1299381 2020_Trapped field potential.pdf
9/1/2020 12:20 PM 3296426 2020_Ultra-high local plasticity.pdf
9/1/2020 12:21 PM 777013 2020_Ultrahigh-field 67Zn NMR.pdf
9/3/2020 11:45 AM 5955563 2020_Understanding the Composition.pdf