- /AToth/NSF publication access/2021/09 Newly Entered Pub September 2021/2021 cited/
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9/29/2021 1:51 PM 7642747 2021_Advances and Challenges.pdf
9/29/2021 1:49 PM 2027292 2021_Characterization of structure.pdf
9/29/2021 1:50 PM 4392572 2021_Controls on Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter.pdf
9/29/2021 1:51 PM 8967152 2021_Designing high-performance superconductors.pdf
9/29/2021 1:47 PM 5345312 2021_Distributed Properties.pdf
9/29/2021 1:57 PM 1279418 2021_Evidence of a coupled.pdf
9/29/2021 1:44 PM 1803695 2021_Field-tunable toroidal moment.pdf
9/29/2021 1:58 PM 1991194 2021_Growth and characterization.pdf
9/29/2021 1:46 PM 1665741 2021_Heat and mass transfer.pdf
9/29/2021 1:41 PM 9379315 2021_Hydrothermal Liquefaction.pdf
9/29/2021 1:44 PM 3643711 2021_Integrated Extraction.pdf
9/29/2021 1:55 PM 1695670 2021_Lattice model for the Coulomb.pdf
9/29/2021 1:54 PM 4936451 2021_Microstructural Characterization.pdf
9/29/2021 1:53 PM 842967 2021_Organic matter chemistry.pdf
9/29/2021 1:56 PM 2423187 2021_Plastic Formulation.pdf
9/29/2021 1:45 PM 1713978 2021_Quantum embedding description.pdf
9/29/2021 1:42 PM 1315929 2021_Realization of topological Mott insulator.pdf
9/29/2021 1:56 PM 1782623 2021_Spin-induced linear polarization.pdf
9/29/2021 1:52 PM 859236 2021_The influence of organic.pdf