- /AToth/NSF publication access/2022/06 Newly Entered Pubs June 2022/2022 cited/

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7/6/2022 10:08 AM 1173121 2022_A machine learning protocol.pdf
7/6/2022 10:08 AM 9067537 2022_A tale of three molecular nitrides.pdf
7/6/2022 10:09 AM 2029614 2022_Accessing One-Dimensional Chains.pdf
7/6/2022 10:09 AM 2320319 2022_Dative Epitaxy of Commensurate Monocrystalline.pdf
7/6/2022 10:09 AM 1135292 2022_Deformation of Two Copper Matrix Conductors.pdf
7/6/2022 10:09 AM 3665370 2022_Detecting de novo Hepatic Ketogenesis.pdf
7/6/2022 10:09 AM 4323677 2022_Effects of Wax Impregnation.pdf
7/6/2022 10:09 AM 4323677 2022_Elucidating the Role of Reactive Nitrogen Intermediates.pdf
7/6/2022 10:09 AM 1574018 2022_Ex Vivo Hepatic Perfusion.pdf
7/6/2022 10:10 AM 3152711 2022_Hall Anomaly, Quantum Oscillations and Possible Lifshitz Transitions.pdf
7/6/2022 10:10 AM 2999841 2022_Influence of vanillic acid immobilization.pdf
7/6/2022 10:10 AM 2072382 2022_Karavannoe.pdf
7/6/2022 10:10 AM 2291465 2022_Magnetic field dependent thermodynamic properties.pdf
7/6/2022 10:10 AM 2606629 2022_Non-magnetic ion site disorder effects.pdf
7/6/2022 10:10 AM 2093870 2022_Nonparametric 5D D-R2 distribution.pdf
7/6/2022 10:10 AM 727587 2022_Possible coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic.pdf
7/6/2022 10:10 AM 4177484 2022_Sexual selection promotes giraffoid head-neck evolution and ecological adaptation.pdf
7/6/2022 10:10 AM 1809975 2022_Solid-state conformational isomerism.pdf
7/6/2022 10:10 AM 7187258 2022_Using Hyperoptimized Tensor Networks.pdf