- /AToth/NSF publication access/2024/08 Newly Entered Pubs August 2024/2024 cited/
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9/5/2024 2:07 PM 2275707 2024_A FEM Simulation Model.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 1111344 2024_A stress-induced source.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 8384972 2024_Assessment of Accelerated Aging Effect.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 2724720 2024_Candidate spin-liquid ground state.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 4687782 2024_Characterization of residual-resistance-ratio of Cu stabilizer.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 2735183 2024_Coercive Fields Exceeding 30 T.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 2252972 2024_Comparison of Dissolved Organic Matter Composition.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 684413 2024_Cultivating STEM Engagement.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 2281487 2024_Defects tune the acidic strength.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 2449805 2024_Elastic-plastic conductor damage.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 1872741 2024_Eroding Permafrost Coastlines Release.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 1276730 2024_International Round Robin Test.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 2406608 2024_Large anomalous Hall conductivity.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 17052056 2024_Linking Pattern Shifts.pdf
9/5/2024 2:06 PM 37198157 2024_Moire fractional Chern insulators.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 6818142 2024_Nonlinear magnons and exchange Hamiltonians.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 4874276 2024_Recyclable organic bilayer piezoresistive cantilever.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 10219280 2024_Rock-to-Pharma.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 2633897 2024_Sorbitol-Based Glass Matrices.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 4791593 2024_Temperature-induced mobility.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 1699430 2024_Topological heavy fermions.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 4698183 2024_Transformation of Sedimentary Dissolved Organic Matter.pdf
9/5/2024 2:07 PM 3075379 2024_Ultrasound-Assisted Sequential Extraction.pdf