- /AToth/NSF publication access/2022/04 Newly Entered Pubs April 2022/2022 cited/

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5/4/2022 12:50 PM 7945856 2022_A New Conceptual Framework.pdf
5/4/2022 12:46 PM 1813167 2022_Application of Counter-Wound Multi-Arm Spirals.pdf
5/4/2022 12:50 PM 4361672 2022_Bright and Dark Exciton Coherent.pdf
5/4/2022 12:53 PM 2039768 2022_Deuteron rotating frame relaxation.pdf
5/4/2022 12:44 PM 3331576 2022_Fermi surface transformation.pdf
5/4/2022 12:53 PM 3229192 2022_High-field magnetic structure.pdf
5/4/2022 12:45 PM 3070425 2022_High-Field Magnetoelectric.pdf
5/4/2022 12:44 PM 3140118 2022_High-Temperature Superconductivity.pdf
5/4/2022 12:44 PM 3711838 2022_Large easy-axis magnetic anisotropy.pdf
5/4/2022 12:51 PM 1705498 2022_Magnetic field tuning.pdf
5/4/2022 12:55 PM 3121010 2022_Microstructure of Glidcop AL-60.pdf
5/4/2022 12:40 PM 546167 2022_Photoluminescence Study.pdf
5/4/2022 12:48 PM 6151398 2022_Probe of the excitonic transitions.pdf
5/4/2022 12:46 PM 1629469 2022_Spinning-Driven Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.pdf
5/4/2022 12:45 PM 3136962 2022_Structure Reactivity Relationships.pdf
5/4/2022 12:56 PM 2513411 2022_Surprising Rigidity.pdf
5/4/2022 12:46 PM 3640016 2022_Symmetry-Breaking Phase Transitions.pdf
5/4/2022 12:54 PM 18524978 2022_The Magnetic Genome.pdf
5/4/2022 12:56 PM 1862435 2022_Toward tunable quantum transport.pdf
5/4/2022 12:47 PM 3326801 2022_Trapped Under Ice.pdf
5/4/2022 12:53 PM 16784273 2022_Trions in twisted bilayer graphene.pdf
5/4/2022 12:43 PM 8467120 2022_Vanadium and Nickel Distributions.pdf