- /AToth/NSF publication access/2018/11 Newly Entered Pubs November 2018/2018 cited/
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11/30/2018 5:38 PM 2491893 2018_An Assessment of Dissolved Organic Carbon Biodegradability.pdf
11/30/2018 5:39 PM 1760150 2018_Anomalous coupling.pdf
11/30/2018 5:40 PM 814152 2018_Atomic resolution of cotton cellulose structure.pdf
11/30/2018 5:43 PM 5964519 2018_Broadband adiabatic inversion.pdf
11/30/2018 5:45 PM 3378295 2018_Cholesterol and phosphatidylethanolamine lipids.pdf
11/30/2018 5:31 PM 5127740 2018_Control of Hexamerization, Assembly, and Excluded Strand.pdf
11/30/2018 5:48 PM 1539974 2018_Design of high-performance cathode materials.pdf
11/30/2018 5:48 PM 600177 2018_Direct Observation.pdf
11/30/2018 5:52 PM 455832 2018_Electronic phase separation.pdf
11/30/2018 5:53 PM 19160295 2018_Elemental Systematics.pdf
11/30/2018 5:54 PM 2307964 2018_Ethane diffusion.pdf
11/30/2018 5:55 PM 1854588 2018_Exploiting.pdf
11/30/2018 5:56 PM 2283351 2018_Fluorine-19 MRI.pdf
11/30/2018 6:11 PM 1986822 2018_Frustration.pdf
11/30/2018 6:12 PM 3996542 2018_Hardening Low-Carbon Steels.pdf
11/30/2018 6:13 PM 4837816 2018_Improving the Solidified Structure.pdf
11/30/2018 6:14 PM 1442589 2018_In Situ Synthesis.pdf
11/30/2018 6:16 PM 11498019 2018_Lipid Extraction.pdf
11/30/2018 6:17 PM 2836484 2018_Magic-angle effects.pdf
11/30/2018 6:18 PM 2607209 2018_Magnetic Anisotropy and Relaxation Behavior.pdf
11/30/2018 6:19 PM 3499464 2018_Magnetic field control.pdf
11/30/2018 6:19 PM 3981437 2018_Network Structure.pdf
11/30/2018 6:21 PM 2733169 2018_Neurite orientation dispersion.pdf
11/30/2018 6:22 PM 437184 2018_One-dimensional tellurium chains.pdf
11/30/2018 3:21 PM 978874 2018_Origin of deep localization in.pdf
11/30/2018 6:23 PM 1011322 2018_Phase transition.pdf
11/30/2018 5:26 PM 1311896 2018_Photogating and high gain.pdf
11/30/2018 5:29 PM 2733169 2018_Probing Membrane Hydration at the Interface.pdf
11/30/2018 5:33 PM 4000304 2018_Spatiotemporal Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter.pdf
11/30/2018 3:27 PM 1793240 2018_Spontaneous Calcium-Independent Dimerization.pdf
11/30/2018 6:25 PM 1020390 2018_Structure of BaO-TeO2 glasses.pdf
11/30/2018 6:25 PM 4083183 2018_Structure-property relations in multiferroic.pdf
11/30/2018 6:26 PM 5680675 2018_Superdislocations and point defects.pdf
11/30/2018 6:31 PM 5309170 2018_The T-cell Receptor α Bipartite Transmembrane Domain.pdf