- /AToth/NSF publication access/2020/12 Newly Entered Pubs December 2020/2020 cited/

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1/13/2021 5:53 PM 1517877 2020_1H, 13C, 15N resonance assignments.pdf
1/12/2021 3:12 PM 4376671 2020_A comparison of marine Fe and Mn cycling.pdf
1/12/2021 3:10 PM 990860 2020_A metabolically engineered spin-labeling approach for studying glycans on cells.pdf
1/12/2021 3:41 PM 5647843 2020_A mononuclear and high-spin tetrahedral Ti(II) complex.pdf
1/5/2021 12:44 PM 3180626 2020_Application of NMR.pdf
1/13/2021 6:23 PM 4901823 2020_Aqueous humor metabolite profile.pdf
1/13/2021 2:13 PM 4465505 2020_beta-Cyclodextrin encapsulation of synthetic AHL.pdf
1/5/2021 12:44 PM 1395226 2020_Comparative study on contrast enhancement.pdf
1/12/2021 3:42 PM 4062802 2020_Compositional Differences in Dissolved Organic Matter.pdf
1/13/2021 5:53 PM 2197033 2020_Crystal and magnetic structure of polar oxide HoCrWO6.pdf
1/13/2021 5:53 PM 4147936 2020_Deciphering Dissolved Organic Matter.pdf
1/13/2021 2:18 PM 533877 2020_Diagnosis of explicit symmetry breaking.pdf
1/13/2021 6:22 PM 7482248 2020_Discovery of new pyrimidine.pdf
1/12/2021 2:55 PM 1521411 2020_Electronic band structure.pdf
1/12/2021 1:57 PM 7419435 2020_Elevated sources of cobalt in the Arctic Ocean.pdf
1/12/2021 3:35 PM 2470147 2020_Enhanced spin correlations.pdf
1/13/2021 5:53 PM 2768491 2020_Enhanced trace element mobilization by Earth''s ice sheets.pdf
1/12/2021 2:53 PM 940035 2020_Entropic signatures of the skyrmion.pdf
1/13/2021 2:15 PM 1433064 2020_Equilibration and filtering of quantum Hall.pdf
1/13/2021 5:53 PM 2116320 2020_Experimental and theoretical evidence for hydrogen.pdf
1/12/2021 1:53 PM 6396832 2020_Experimental protection.pdf
1/13/2021 5:53 PM 4375516 2020_Exploiting Functional Impurities.pdf
1/12/2021 3:52 PM 3512099 2020_Extending the family of reduced.pdf
1/13/2021 5:53 PM 1748048 2020_Fast chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging.pdf
1/13/2021 5:53 PM 910801 2020_GaN AlGaN 2DEGs in the quantum regime.pdf
1/13/2021 5:53 PM 3239384 2020_Giant Magnetoelectric Coupling.pdf
1/13/2021 5:53 PM 3918664 2020_Helical Edge States and Quantum Phase.pdf
1/13/2021 5:54 PM 1104088 2020_High Fermi velocities and small cyclotron masses in LaAlGe.pdf
1/13/2021 6:20 PM 4258902 2020_Higher Magnetic Fields Finer MOF Structural Information.pdf
1/12/2021 3:43 PM 4965655 2020_Information Carried by Electromagnetic Radiation.pdf
1/13/2021 5:54 PM 4066689 2020_Insights into Molecular Magnetism.pdf
1/12/2021 3:51 PM 2081847 2020_Interfacial tuning of chiral magnetic interactions.pdf
1/13/2021 2:10 PM 20604116 2020_Li-rich cathodes for rechargeable Li-based batteries.pdf
1/13/2021 5:54 PM 2088935 2020_Low-power STMAS - breaking.pdf
1/12/2021 3:58 PM 1136195 2020_Magnetism and electrical conductivity of molecular semiconductor.pdf
1/14/2021 10:23 AM 805314 2020_Magnetoelastic distortion of multiferroic BiFeO3 in the canted antiferromagnetic state.pdf
1/12/2021 3:28 PM 1785544 2020_Magnetoresistance Scaling.pdf
1/14/2021 10:29 AM 5498966 2020_Metallographic analysis.pdf
1/12/2021 3:39 PM 5402336 2020_Mobilization of Iron Stored in Bacterioferritin.pdf
1/12/2021 3:07 PM 847961 2020_NMR Studies of the Dynamics of 1D 3He in 4He Plated MCM‑41.pdf
1/13/2021 2:23 PM 4772562 2020_Observation of Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect.pdf
1/13/2021 5:54 PM 4147936 2020_Particle Size Effects on the Order-Disorder Phase Transition.pdf
1/12/2021 3:37 PM 2333506 2020_Probing the low-temperature limit.pdf
1/12/2021 3:34 PM 1651434 2020_Relationship of arsenic and chromium availability.pdf
1/12/2021 3:58 PM 1263320 2020_Renormalization Group Study of Hidden Symmetry.pdf
1/13/2021 5:54 PM 2919267 2020_Shifting modes of iron sulfidization.pdf
1/12/2021 2:57 PM 1622855 2020_Site-specific spectroscopic measurement.pdf
1/13/2021 2:20 PM 2841272 2020_Slow magnetic relaxation in hexacoordinated.pdf
1/12/2021 3:36 PM 3548946 2020_Thallium isotope ratios in shales.pdf
1/12/2021 3:55 PM 15617047 2020_The Droserasin 1 PSI.pdf
1/13/2021 5:53 PM 1509726 2020_Transition between Different Diffusion Regimes.pdf
1/12/2021 3:23 PM 8306400 2020_Tunable spin-polarized correlated states in twisted double bilayer graphene.pdf