- /AToth/NSF publication access/2024/12 Newly Entered Pubs December 2024/2024 cited/
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2/6/2025 10:35 AM 943659 2024_17O NMR relaxation measurements.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 2504583 2024_1H17O Chemical Shift Waves.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 3192793 2024_Characterization.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 2611689 2024_Comparative Lipidome.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 13481821 2024_Early-life obesogenic environment.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 6658324 2024_Enriched Molecular-Level View.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 10940515 2024_Environmental Enrichment.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 6933594 2024_Free Volume Manipulation.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 6851084 2024_High-Resolution 17O Solid-State NMR.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 1000946 2024_Hypershifted spin spectroscopy.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 5937108 2024_Impact of Ionic Modifications.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 13570358 2024_Large-scale atomistic model construction.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 24877507 2024_Observation of giant nonlinear Hall conductivity.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 1567134 2024_REBCO soldered lap joint resistance.pdf
2/6/2025 10:35 AM 5392862 2024_Role of microstructure on flux expulsion.pdf
2/6/2025 10:36 AM 4345854 2024_Semi-Dirac Fermions.pdf
2/6/2025 10:36 AM 9617759 2024_Stroke-induced neuroplasticity.pdf
2/6/2025 10:36 AM 3220714 2024_Superconducting magnet technology.pdf
2/6/2025 10:36 AM 8665318 2024_Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide.pdf
2/6/2025 10:36 AM 2404422 2024_The Hunt Lab Guide.pdf