- /AToth/NSF publication access/2018/12 Newly Entered Pubs December 2018/2018 cited/
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1/4/2019 3:19 PM 1117530 2018_A mononuclear.pdf
1/4/2019 4:28 PM 2118390 2018_A novel inhibitor of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase stimulates.pdf
1/4/2019 4:19 PM 1432597 2018_Anomalous Metamagnetism.pdf
1/4/2019 4:30 PM 1943320 2018_Blue Emitting Single Crystalline Assembly.pdf
1/4/2019 4:19 PM 1439359 2018_Characterization of the Lipid Binding Pocket.pdf
1/4/2019 4:18 PM 478025 2018_Educational Attainment Moderates.pdf
1/4/2019 3:33 PM 1263555 2018_Engineering Current Density.pdf
1/4/2019 3:18 PM 6762413 2018_Evidence of Ferrimagnetism.pdf
1/4/2019 3:20 PM 3118032 2018_Evolution of the low-temperature Fermi surface.pdf
1/4/2019 4:25 PM 228787 2018_From Birefringent Electrons.pdf
1/4/2019 4:18 PM 2488062 2018_Functional Connectivity.pdf
1/4/2019 4:26 PM 369543 2018_Hidden thermal structure in Fock space.pdf
1/4/2019 3:29 PM 1779113 2018_Landau Quantization.pdf
1/4/2019 4:36 PM 1188863 2018_Large effective mass.pdf
1/4/2019 3:31 PM 2689032 2018_Lead-free halide double perovskite-polymer composites.pdf
1/4/2019 3:17 PM 1245304 2018_Magnetic Field Enhanced Superconductivity.pdf
1/4/2019 4:30 PM 1697183 2018_Magnetic field induced ferroelectricity.pdf
1/4/2019 3:22 PM 513374 2018_Magnetic-field-induced 1st order transition.pdf
1/4/2019 3:23 PM 1112207 2018_Magnetoresistance Scaling Reveals Symmetries.pdf
1/4/2019 3:20 PM 1906238 2018_Metamorphic narrow-gap.pdf
1/4/2019 3:30 PM 1317704 2018_Nonsaturating large magnetoresistance in semimetals.pdf
1/4/2019 3:16 PM 1229349 2018_Physical nature of electrically detected magnetic resonance.pdf
1/4/2019 3:22 PM 3253977 2018_Probing Redox Noninnocence.pdf
1/4/2019 3:21 PM 2738776 2018_Progress towards creating optically addressable.pdf
1/4/2019 4:29 PM 1728737 2018_Quantum oscillations in the type-II Dirac.pdf
1/4/2019 4:28 PM 539748 2018_Quantum oscillations of electrical resistivity in an insulator.pdf
1/4/2019 3:32 PM 1200638 2018_Quench dynamics.pdf
1/4/2019 4:03 PM 1201824 2018_Resonant torsion magnetometry.pdf
1/4/2019 4:26 PM 904407 2018_Spin canting and orbital.pdf
1/4/2019 4:27 PM 1337165 2018_Spin-echo based diagonal peak suppression.pdf
1/4/2019 3:33 PM 1407261 2018_Superior critical current of Symmetric Tape Round.pdf
1/4/2019 3:18 PM 2343703 2018_Synthesis and Crystal Structure.pdf
1/4/2019 4:25 PM 1827114 2018_The effect.pdf
1/4/2019 3:31 PM 776501 2018_Topological phase transition.pdf
1/4/2019 4:26 PM 1241737 2018_Tunable magnetoresistance.pdf
1/4/2019 4:36 PM 690634 2018_Tunable Γ− K Valley Populations.pdf