- /AToth/NSF publication access/2021/11 Newly Entered Pubs November 2021/2021 cited/
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11/30/2021 2:17 PM 1788279 2021_A large meteoritic event.pdf
11/30/2021 2:14 PM 3031996 2021_A multi-proxy approach.pdf
11/30/2021 2:13 PM 4501582 2021_An all-epitaxial nitride heterostructure.pdf
11/30/2021 2:13 PM 5564076 2021_An1.33T4Al8Si2.pdf
11/30/2021 2:10 PM 2570907 2021_Andreev Reflections.pdf
11/30/2021 2:10 PM 457208 2021_Anomalous nematic state to stripe phase transition.pdf
11/30/2021 2:09 PM 1219523 2021_Anomalous vortex liquid.pdf
11/30/2021 2:09 PM 2054310 2021_Approaching the ultimate superconducting properties.pdf
11/30/2021 2:08 PM 256801 2021_Assessing the Effect of Large Igneous Provinces.pdf
11/30/2021 2:07 PM 1736380 2021_Assessing the Role of Photochemistry in Driving the Composition.pdf
11/30/2021 2:06 PM 964074 2021_Behavior of the Mo, Tl, and U isotope systems.pdf
11/30/2021 2:06 PM 5734763 2021_Bilayer Quantum Hall States.pdf
11/30/2021 2:05 PM 2884878 2021_Cell-specific effects.pdf
11/30/2021 2:04 PM 1112781 2021_Collinear antiferromagnetic order.pdf
11/30/2021 2:04 PM 28324360 2021_Copper-coordinated cellulose ion conductors for solid-state batteries.pdf
11/30/2021 2:02 PM 1560457 2021_Correlated Dirac semimetal in the extreme quantum limit.pdf
11/30/2021 2:01 PM 3780652 2021_Discovery of davemaoite.pdf
11/30/2021 2:01 PM 6765095 2021_Domain Wall Patterning.pdf
11/30/2021 2:00 PM 508126 2021_Dynamics of quantum Hall interfaces.pdf
11/30/2021 2:00 PM 1709998 2021_Electrically controlled emission.pdf
11/30/2021 1:59 PM 2911340 2021_Enhanced Emission.pdf
11/30/2021 1:59 PM 6638718 2021_Evaluation of early microstructural changes.pdf
11/30/2021 1:58 PM 2168184 2021_Expanding the Analytical Window.pdf
11/30/2021 1:57 PM 12387715 2021_Gapless Spin Wave Transport.pdf
11/30/2021 1:56 PM 4858307 2021_Gas-Phase Fluorination of Hexagonal Boron Nitride.pdf
11/30/2021 1:35 PM 5573749 2021_Globally distributed iridium layer.pdf
11/30/2021 1:34 PM 951645 2021_Graviton chirality.pdf
11/30/2021 1:34 PM 2387839 2021_High-temperature superconductivity.pdf
11/30/2021 1:33 PM 1552215 2021_Hyperpolarized Dihydroxyacetone.pdf
11/30/2021 1:33 PM 1409990 2021_Interplay between strong correlations.pdf
11/30/2021 1:32 PM 1410062 2021_Intraspecific variation.pdf
11/30/2021 1:32 PM 5962015 2021_Iridate Li8IrO6.pdf
11/30/2021 1:31 PM 1424212 2021_Isoelectronic perturbations.pdf
11/30/2021 1:30 PM 4183691 2021_Link between superconductivity.pdf
11/30/2021 1:30 PM 2007529 2021_Magnetostriction of AlFe2B2 in high magnetic fields.pdf
11/30/2021 1:29 PM 3569266 2021_New constraints on mid-Proterozoic ocean redox.pdf
11/30/2021 1:29 PM 939370 2021_Nitrene Photochemistry of Manganese N-Haloamides.pdf
11/30/2021 1:26 PM 3737978 2021_Nutraceuticals in Bulk and Dosage Forms.pdf
11/30/2021 1:26 PM 1251530 2021_Optimization of crystal packing.pdf
11/30/2021 1:25 PM 3820388 2021_Phase diagram of YbZnGaO4 in applied magnetic field.pdf
11/30/2021 1:23 PM 3563557 2021_Production of a Human Histamine Receptor.pdf
11/30/2021 12:54 PM 3894314 2021_Quantitatively analyzing.pdf
12/2/2021 9:13 AM 4538197 2021_Quantum Oscillations Quasiparticle.pdf
11/30/2021 12:52 PM 2000711 2021_Quantum Oscillations.pdf
11/30/2021 12:50 PM 2025218 2021_Quantum spin state transitions.pdf
11/30/2021 12:49 PM 3129566 2021_Ring Distortion of Vincamine.pdf
11/30/2021 12:48 PM 2440653 2021_Robust antiferromagnetism in Y2Co3.pdf
11/30/2021 12:46 PM 3961319 2021_Sensitivity Enhancement.pdf
11/30/2021 12:42 PM 7839055 2021_Signatures of bosonic Landau levels.pdf
11/30/2021 12:34 PM 2985979 2021_Spectroscopic Analysis.pdf
11/30/2021 12:31 PM 3334124 2021_Spectroscopic evidence.pdf
11/30/2021 12:29 PM 1304139 2021_Survival of itinerant excitations.pdf
11/30/2021 12:24 PM 2806394 2021_Thallium behavior during high-pressure metamorphism.pdf
11/30/2021 12:20 PM 1813678 2021_Thermal and Magnetic Field Switching.pdf
11/30/2021 12:18 PM 4179085 2021_Transient ocean oxygenation.pdf
11/30/2021 12:17 PM 3126618 2021_Tunable Lithium-Ion Transport.pdf
11/30/2021 12:14 PM 2694986 2021_Two-fold symmetric superconductivity.pdf
11/30/2021 12:14 PM 3638551 2021_Unexpected Hydride.pdf
11/30/2021 12:12 PM 2982683 2021_Using Redox-Active Ligands.pdf
11/30/2021 12:10 PM 2352063 2021_Using δ18O and δ2H.pdf
11/30/2021 12:08 PM 2211306 2021_Vacancy-Enabled O3 Phase Stabilization.pdf
11/30/2021 12:06 PM 2888899 2021_Weyl Fermion Magneto-Electrodynamics.pdf