- /AToth/NSF publication access/2022/2022 Science Highlights - ppt/

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1/10/2022 12:10 PM 201084 2201_MagLab DC (Magnetostriction in AlFe2B2 at 25 T measured by X-ray diffraction).pptx
1/10/2022 12:10 PM 409927 2201_MagLab NMR (Understanding how fungi build their protective cell walls).pptx
2/7/2022 3:09 PM 473576 2202_MagLab EMR (Isolation of a Triplet Benzene Dianion).pptx
2/7/2022 3:09 PM 1299963 2202_MagLab PFF (New correlated quasiparticles in an atomically-thin semiconductor).pptx
2/7/2022 3:09 PM 4422439 2202_MagLab Safety (Security Upgrades at the MagLab).pptx
3/8/2022 3:39 PM 1723918 2203_MagLab DC (Crossover between exciton superfluids).pptx
3/8/2022 3:39 PM 400680 2203_MagLab ICR (A reference atlas of proteoforms in human blood cells).pptx
4/11/2022 4:24 PM 622475 2204_MagLab ASC (Addressing Supply Chain Challenges for Advanced Superconductors).pptx
4/11/2022 4:24 PM 793562 2204_MagLab NMR (Imaging enzyme active site using NMR at multiple fields up to 35.2T).pptx
5/16/2022 12:36 PM 452490 2205_MagLab AMRIS (Carbon Dioxide from Peat Ecosystems).pptx
5/16/2022 12:36 PM 8360473 2205_MagLab CIRL (Magnetic Momentum Scholars Program).pptx
5/16/2022 12:36 PM 1232950 2205_MagLab EMR (Vibronic Coupling in a 4f Molecular Magnet Probed by Magnetospectroscopy).pptx
6/9/2022 9:55 AM 798965 2206_Maglab CIRL (Tallahassee Science Society Gold Medal Award).pptx
6/9/2022 9:55 AM 1455402 2206_Maglab FAIR (Effects of Natural Selection in a Mammalian RNA-Binding Protein).pptx
6/9/2022 9:55 AM 467905 2206_MagLab PFF (One-way optical transparency at telecommunications wavelengths).pptx
8/8/2022 2:11 PM 1796370 2207_MagLab DC PFF (Unconventional Charge Transport in Kondo insulator).pptx
8/8/2022 2:11 PM 278040 2207_MagLab ICR (A Deep Dive Into Forever Chemical Dark Matter).pptx
8/8/2022 2:11 PM 209478 2208_MagLab CIRL (Intersectionality and Black Women in STEM).pptx
8/8/2022 2:11 PM 1365057 2208_MagLab MST (Microstructure of Glidcop Conductor used in Pulsed Magnets).pptx
8/8/2022 2:11 PM 952919 2208_MagLab NMR (Finding Water Molecules with Important Biological Activity).pptx
9/7/2022 8:04 AM 343859 2209_MagLab AMRIS (On the Origin of MRI Signal In Stroke).pptx
9/7/2022 8:04 AM 2153729 2209_MagLab ASC (The high temperature superconducting CORC cabling technology).pptx
9/7/2022 8:04 AM 1152956 2209_MagLab CIRL (MagLabs K-12 Godby Science Scholars).pptx
9/7/2022 8:04 AM 3052478 2209_MagLab EMR (Massive Hyperfine Interaction in a Lu(II) Qubit).pptx
10/19/2022 8:11 PM 350050 2210_MagLab DC (Fermi surface transforms at onset of the pseudogap phase in a cuprate superconductor).pptx
10/19/2022 8:11 PM 861623 2210_MagLab ICR (Pavement Sealant Leaches Environmental Contaminants).pptx
10/19/2022 8:11 PM 561531 2210_MagLab Safety (2022 Summer Shutdown).pptx
11/8/2022 2:10 PM 4368344 2211_MagLab NMR (17O Labeling Reveals Paired Active Sites in Zeolite Catalysts).pptx
11/8/2022 2:10 PM 893685 2211_MagLab PFF (Magic gap ratio in the high-Tc cuprates).pptx
12/9/2022 8:05 AM 1149623 2212_MagLab AMRIS (Atomic-Level Insights of Polymers Improving Proteins).pptx
12/9/2022 8:05 AM 1215463 2212_MagLab MST (19T Resistive Insulation Test Magnet for a 40T All-Superconducting Magnet).pptx