- /AToth/NSF publication access/2019/2019 Science Highlights - ppt/

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11/8/2022 2:13 PM 684569 1901_MagLab DC (Even denominator fractional quantum Hall states in graph....pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 866919 1901_MagLab EMR (Molecular movements within T-cells relevant to immune s....pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 2136957 1902_MagLab AMRIS (Microscale Diffusion in Mixed Zeolitic Framework).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 283420 1902_MagLab ICR (Top Down Tandem Mass Spectrometric Analysis).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 919082 1902_MagLab Safety (Facility Upgrades Enhance Safety & Reliability).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 1601566 1903_MagLab NMR (High-magnetic-field MRI brain studies of disease markers).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 2564255 1903_MagLab PFF (Linear magnetoresistance in a cuprate superconductor).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 199645 1904_MagLab ASC (Changes to LHC heat treatment).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 1468679 1904_MagLab MST PFF (In-House Fabrication of Outsert Coils for the 100 T Pulsed Magnet).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 2250524 1904_MagLab PA (The 2019 MagLab Open House).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 795181 1905_MagLab AMRIS (Metabolomics of Coral).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 551282 1905_MagLab DC (Evidence Supporting BiPd as a Topological Superconductor).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 3244397 1905_MagLab Education (MagLab Undergraduate is Student Employee of the Year).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 400653 1906_MagLab DC (Leap in Critical Current in Nb3Sn Wires with Artificial Pinning Centers).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 690564 1906_MagLab EMR (Anomalous Spin Excitations in a Chiral Staggered Chain).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 3298491 1906_MagLab Intranet (CURRENT the MagLab Intranet).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 510313 1907_MagLab HBT (Luttinger liquid behavior).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 326237 1907_MagLab NMR (Insight into bone-like materials).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 808675 1908_Maglab ICR (Identifying Abnormal Hemoglobin in Human Blood ).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 2009948 1908_MagLab PA (User Stories for Multiple Audiences with Take 2).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 366165 1908_MagLab PFF (Spin Liquid Lakes with Topological Edge States).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 933699 1909_MagLab DC_PFF (Why does it take 55T to switch magnetism in Sr3NiIrO6) INITIAL.pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 1231272 1909_MagLab Education (Multi-Lingual Outreach to English Language Learners).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 878931 1909_MaglLab ASC (Hafnium greatly improves vortex pinning).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 782516 1910_MagLab DC_PFF (Emergent states of matter in quantum magnets).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 350989 1910_MagLab DC_PFF (Lazarus Superconductivity).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 148361 1910_MagLab Outreach (Seeing is Believing with See-Thru Science Video Series).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 646957 1911 MagLab HBT (Diversity in the High BT Facility).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 2496477 1911_MagLab Geochem (Understanding mass extinction in the late Silurian oceans).pptx
11/8/2022 2:13 PM 2256791 1911_MagLab NMR and EMR (Liquid State Dynamic Nuclear Polarization).pptx