- /AToth/NSF publication access/2024/2024 Science Highlights - ppt/

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2/9/2024 6:04 PM 2575698 2401 MagLab DC (Thermal Impedance Spectroscopy A New Tool to Study Thermodynamics of Materials) rev.pptx
2/9/2024 6:05 PM 4168082 2401 MagLab EMR (Disorder-Enriched Magnetic Excitations in a Kitaev Quantum Magnet).pptx
2/9/2024 6:05 PM 460060 2402 MagLab PFF (Using 75 T magnetic fields to detect Chern pockets with large orbital moments).pptx
2/9/2024 6:05 PM 1085540 2402 MagLab Safety (Behavior-Based Safety Toolbox).pptx
3/11/2024 12:53 PM 1001613 2403 MagLab ASC (R&D Milestone for Bi-2212 High Temperature Superconducting Magnets).pptx
3/11/2024 12:53 PM 237221 2403 MagLab ICR (Evolution of the Molecules of Life on Distant Planets).pptx
4/9/2024 3:18 PM 1438396 2404 MagLab DC (Quasi-2D Fermi surface in the anomalous superconductor UTe2).pptx
4/9/2024 3:18 PM 1713118 2404 MagLab NMR (Unraveling the Mysteries of the Platinum Group Elements with 103Rh Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy).pptx
4/9/2024 3:19 PM 888724 2404 MagLab Outreach (Thousands Play at the MagLab's 2024 Open House).pptx
10/11/2024 11:05 AM 2806413 2405 MagLab CIRL (2023 North Florida Worlds of Work (WOW) Career Expo).pptx
5/10/2024 9:37 AM 3570936 2405 MagLab ICR and FAIR Data (Reuse of MagLab Data Enhances the Processing of ICR Mass Spectra) FINAL.pptx
10/11/2024 11:05 AM 6424083 2405 MagLab MST (Simulating High-Magnetic-Field and High-Stress Conditions of Superconducting REBCO Coils).pptx
10/11/2024 11:05 AM 373051 2406 MagLab AMRIS (Enrichment of hepatic glycogen and plasma glucose ...).pptx
10/11/2024 11:06 AM 341403 2406 MagLab DC (Magneto-Quantum Oscillations in the Specific Heat of a Topological Kondo Insulator).pptx
10/11/2024 11:06 AM 445947 2406 MagLab EMR (Slow Relaxation of the Magnetization in a Quasi-Linear Europium(II) Molecule).pptx
7/10/2024 10:12 AM 724067 2407 MagLab ICR (Chemistry and Properties of Carbon Fiber Feedstocks from Bitumen Asphaltenes).pptx
7/10/2024 10:12 AM 1369968 2407 MagLab PFF (Discovery of the Reverse Quantum Limit).pptx
7/10/2024 10:12 AM 197565 2407 MagLab Safety (Safety Standard Operating Procedure).pptx
8/12/2024 3:58 PM 407132 2408 MagLab ASC (Characterization of improved SuperPower REBCO tapes up to 31 tesla field) .pptx
8/12/2024 3:58 PM 642237 2408 MagLab Facility (Magnet Cooling Water Pump) .pptx
8/12/2024 3:58 PM 511522 2408 MagLab NMR (Probing the Chemistry of Fuel Cells with 71Ga NMR Spectroscopy).pptx
10/11/2024 11:04 AM 576941 2409 MagLab AMRIS (A folding motif formed with an expanded genetic alphabet).pptx
10/11/2024 11:04 AM 650308 2409 MagLab CIRL (Godby Science Scholars and STEM Pathway).pptx
10/11/2024 11:03 AM 574329 2409 MagLab DC (Evidence of Striped Electronic Phases in a Structurally Modulated Superlattice).pptx
10/11/2024 11:04 AM 617831 2410 MagLab EMR (High-Field EPR Identification of a Spin Clock Transition).pptx
10/11/2024 11:04 AM 588032 2410 MagLab MST (Demonstrations of Operating Large REBCO Coils).pptx
10/11/2024 11:03 AM 565897 2410 MagLab Values (Launching Lab-wide MagLab Values).pptx
1/8/2025 12:43 PM 491736 2411 MagLab ICR (Wildfire Impacts on the Biodegradability of Soil Organic Matter) .pptx
1/8/2025 12:43 PM 46855575 2411 MagLab MST (High Strength Copper-Silver Conductors for Magnets) KROB.pptx
1/8/2025 12:43 PM 845888 2411 MagLab PFF (Bringing Tunneling Spectroscopy to new Extremes).pptx
1/8/2025 12:45 PM 470423 2412 MagLab DC (Unconventional insulator-to-metal phase transition in Mn3Si2Te6) .pptx
1/8/2025 12:45 PM 710214 2412 MagLab IEC (Psychological Safety) INITIAL.pptx
1/8/2025 12:45 PM 1353817 2412 MagLab NMR (Tuning Acid Strength in Amorphous Aluminosilicates with Oxygen Vacancies).pptx