- /AToth/NSF publication access/2021/2021 Science Highlights - ppt/
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1/15/2021 4:17 PM 661658 2101_Broader Impacts (MagCorp Agreement).pptx
1/15/2021 4:17 PM 339344 2101_MagLab DC (Probing a Purported Spin Nematic with the 32 T All-Superconducting Magnet).pptx
1/15/2021 4:17 PM 1095405 2101_MagLab HBT (Wigner Crystal in Strongly Interacting 2D Holes).pptx
1/15/2021 4:17 PM 1304917 2101_MagLab MST (Test Coil Zero on the Path to 40T).pptx
2/9/2021 7:14 AM 473875 2102_MagLab EMR (Strong Magnetic Coupling in Molecular Magnets through Direct Metal-Metal Bonds).pptx
2/9/2021 7:14 AM 343122 2102_MagLab MST (Improving pulsed magnet conductors).pptx
2/9/2021 7:14 AM 1677216 2102_MagLab PFF (Ninety teslas peek under the superconducting dome).pptx
3/18/2021 2:46 PM 358480 2103_MagLab ASC (Tracking Damage in Nb3Sn Superconducting Coils).pptx
3/31/2021 11:10 AM 359968 2103_MagLab DC (Bridging the Research Gap)_Corrected.pptx
3/18/2021 2:47 PM 139844 2103_MagLab ICR (Sunlight Produces Pollutants from Asphalt).pptx
3/18/2021 2:47 PM 1010234 2103_MagLab Open House.pptx
4/15/2021 5:56 PM 1623817 2104_MagLab CIRL (Pineview Science Day).pptx
4/15/2021 5:56 PM 724124 2104_MagLab NMR (Structure of Boron-Based Catalysts from Solid-State NMR at 35.2T).pptx
4/15/2021 5:56 PM 113232 2104_MagLab Outreach (MagLab in APS Leadership).PPTX
4/15/2021 5:56 PM 315777 2104_MagLab PFF (First Science from the 75T Duplex Magnet).pptx
5/25/2021 3:13 PM 717139 2105_MagLab AMRIS (HTS NMR Probe Tracks Metabolism Cycles During Insect Dormancy).pptx
5/25/2021 3:13 PM 807150 2105_MagLab DC (Coexisting Antiferromagnetism and Spin Glass Orders).pptx
5/25/2021 3:13 PM 894478 2105_MagLab FAIR (MagLab FAIR Data Empowers Data Users).pptx
6/18/2021 1:18 PM 773636 2106_MagLab EMR (Magnetoelastic Coupling in the Multiferroic BiFeO3).pptx
6/18/2021 1:18 PM 778383 2106_MagLab ICR (Dissolved Organic Matter in Arctic Rivers).pptx
6/18/2021 1:18 PM 688911 2106_MagLab Safety (Specialized personal protective equipment).pptx
7/13/2021 12:12 PM 3097815 2107_MagLab HBT (New high-magnetic-field thermometers for sub-millikelvin temperatures).pptx
7/13/2021 12:12 PM 697232 2107_MagLab NMR (A new method for understanding dynamic nuclear polarization).pptx
8/12/2021 10:36 AM 537576 2108_MagLab DC (Spin Coherence in the 32T Superconducting Magnet).pptx
8/12/2021 10:35 AM 213405 2108_MagLab MST (Testing critical current of high Tc REBCO cables).pptx
9/13/2021 3:48 PM 242419 2109_MagLab AMRIS (Restoration of breathing after drug overdose and spinal cord injuries).pptx
9/13/2021 3:47 PM 1524124 2109_MagLab ASC (Advanced Microscopy for Nanostructural Insights in Bi-2212 Round Wires).pptx
9/13/2021 3:48 PM 890022 2109_MagLab CIRL (Engaging Underrepresented Youth through MagLab Camp TESLA).pptx
9/15/2021 10:50 AM 496144 2109_MagLab DC (Linear-in temperature resistivity from isotropic Planckian scattering rate) rev.pptx
10/18/2021 9:21 AM 644829 2110_MagLab ASC (Absence of Weak-Links in Bi-2212 Round Wire).pptx
10/18/2021 9:21 AM 779716 2110_MagLab ICR (Sunlight converts plastics into complex chemical mixtures).pptx
10/18/2021 9:21 AM 295483 2110_MagLab PFF (Unusual high-field state discovered in mineral atacamite).pptx
10/18/2021 9:21 AM 1280325 2110_MagLab Safety (Updating MagLab Major Equipment Chiller Replacement).pptx
11/15/2021 7:59 PM 1006921 2111_MagLab ASC (Nb3Sn films for compact accelerators).pptx
11/15/2021 7:59 PM 2751111 2111_MagLab CIRL (Expanding MagLab Coding Camp to Further Engage African American Girls).pptx
11/15/2021 7:59 PM 434217 2111_MagLab DC (Quantum Rivals in Nitride Materials).pptx